Stretch & Play


Hi! I’m Victoria Cunningham and I am the Founder of Stretch & Play.

I am a trained youth worker and SYT (Senior Yoga Teacher, equivalent to E-RYT) yoga teacher who is responsible for all Stretch & Play’s training programmes.

In addition to my academic qualifications (we’re talking an MA Honours in English Literature and Sociology from the University of Glasgow and an MSc in Marketing from the University of Strathclyde) and yoga certificates I hold qualifications in community development, conflict management, facilitation skills and community drama, all of which equipped me wonderfully to create and develop Stretch & Play.

Stretch & Play started life as a limited company and registered charity where, from 2006 to 2009, I received support from various funders to train Facilitators and deliver bespoke classes for groups such as:

I’m Tally, and I’m so excited to combine my experience and passion for child care and yoga teaching to co-facilitate the Stretch & Play training programme with the amazing Victoria.

Supporting child development is one of my passions and I’ve been working in childcare for many years, which started while supporting my mum as a childminder while I was growing up. In 2012-2013 I then worked as a nursery nurse, and I especially enjoyed telling stories and getting the children up and dancing. Since 2019 I’ve been nannying for families around Glasgow, which is how I got to know Victoria – through looking after her wonderful son!

Alongside this, I’ve been practicing yoga since 2013 and qualified as a yoga teacher in 2020. I currently teach yoga at Studio 70 and at Category is Books, and I love bringing playfulness, curiosity, and fun into the practice. I’ve completed trainings in Vinyasa, Yin, Breathwork, Yoga Nidra, Women’s Yoga, and hands-on assists. I find it so rewarding to be able to use the knowledge and experience I’ve gained to help you bring movement and relaxation into your days.

I’m really enjoying sharing my and Victoria’s combined expertise through Stretch & Play, so you can help bring more movement and mindfulness into the lives of the children you support.